Holiday Fizzle

Maybe an over statement because expectations were not high. A swing down to the District once again in the hopes of snaps of people drawn to the Mall on Memorial Day weekend. Not many there except for the rollng thunder ragamuffins — i much prefer the representation of the greatest generation than that of my own. A relatively quick loop; Lincoln, Vietnam, WWII, DC, MLK and FDR then skedaddle. Maybe I'll do better in the neighboorhood over the rest of the long weekend. I seem to be losing interest in all but urban opportunities. 

Anyway a gallery reachable from here or via the snap below. Once again working lines, shadows — and layers when I could create them. All with the A7r, this time with the Canon FD 28 f/2.0, the current lens of choice for people on the street.

This one comes hard upon last night's post so if you are checking per a update message, check the prior post out as well.