Die neue schwarz Foto Wagen

took up residence in the garage. Got to test my patience dealing with the inconsistent and attitudenous personnel at the MD MVA, then I got to use my negotiating skills and the iPad to create a personal rather than a client benefit stream. Anyway black over tan E350, the putative and presumptive bucket mobile. No brats with driving privlegdges on this one and sticker free too... 

I do have to wonder why they have cops with guns at the MVA.  There was more than $1M of inventopry on the dealers floor — didn't see no cops with guns there.  I think I would rather stick up the MVA, for drivers license fees.  Hah! Someone needs better target marketing. Maybe has to with attitudenous, just maybe. Your government at work. REMAINDER REDACTED, ed.

A libertarian Foto Wagon, just perhaps.

The rental 24 TS-E on the 5D MkIII. Some high for me ISO.