
The backend to a buisness trip to Austria was an extended weekend in Tusacny, more speciifcally the Chianti (Classico) region just south of Floence.  A decently well but wrongly planned trip resulted in miserable logistics in and out and too high an expectation for solo driving on the regions complex secondary roads. After a quick and non-productive drive to what is tagged as the least tourist-laden of the Tusan hill towns (Volterra), I headed to Greve for lunch and more tourists.  After that I got smart and styed close the to the Villa Il Poggiale (highly recommended), where I was staying, in what is probably best described as a Florence suburb, San Casciano Val Di Pesa. Most of the photos were taken within a mile or so of the Villa.

My favorite snap from the weekend is below, click on it or here to be zoomed off to the SmugMug gallery.