Mc Henry Redux

About as good technically as I manage to get.  Back to McHenry for these two shots from the tripod with focus stacking using Heliocon Focus. The 5D Mk II (no bracket yet for the Mk III) in portrait orientation with the 45 TS-E mounted and shifted as needed.

Garrison Flag replicas in color

Garrison Flag replicas in faux PlatinumThe Prison in color

The Prison in faux Platinum

Technically correct

Not so artistically intesting.  Practice again.  This on the 5D Mk II (can't do this without the grip and RRS L-Bracket which are backordered for the Mk III) and the SmallHD DP-4 for focusing.  Shot with the 45 TS-E, in portrait orientation, manual exposure at f/11.0 at 1/80 of a second, ISO 100.  In the RRS macro rail (mounted sideways) with production stops set at 11mm to the left and right of center.  Six shots taken, two each at three positions.  The two shots were focused near and far and combined in Helicon Focus to increase the DOF.  The three images rendered by Helicon Focus were then flat stiched in Photoshop CS-6 as they were shot (i) left lens and camera rail shift 11mm (ii) no camera or lens shift and (iii) right lens and camera rail shift 11 mm.

Afterwards a shot of Velvia 50 emulation with Alien Skin Exposure 4, then Pro and Tonal Contrast with Nik Color Efex 4, noise reduction with Nik Define constrainted by a surface mask and sharpened with USM constrained by an edge mask.  Resulting image is about 1.75x the width of a normal portarit orientation snap on the 5D Mk II and would "contact" print at 300ppi at 21.7 x 17.5 inches (slightly cropped from the top only to a 5x4 aspect ratio).

Etude for DOF in Flat Stitch

Is better in faux infrared from Exposure 4.

Drunk man walking

Not drunk but camera on manual focus.  Anyway corner of Pratt and Collington Streets, outside of Salt.

Oh! Almost forgot first blog post with the 5D Mk III, produces really nice snaps.  This with the 35 1.4L at f/1.4 and ISO 4000.  Not sure what it is but they are just better looking than the 5D Mk II. Never would have considered ISO 4000 with the Mk II.


Never thoiught much of this window, taken on the Ogallala Nation Grassland in July 2006.  With some different post processing, I now like it, a lot.  Pretty much the same shooting parameters as the Tin Can House below.  I think I have at least one more from that trip that I can use this approach.  

A door to a bank in Berwyn.  The screen is a mess in this jpeg.

 The Bank


I have no stones in Orkneys in my catalog, so I offer instead Fort Laramie, WY in the path of a July (1996) thurderstorm.  Canon 5D with the 17-40 f/4.0L at about 25mm, ISO 100, f/16.0.

Alliance, Nebraska — the day before


Stiched foggy morning

No clever comments for this just the specs, actually, 17 shots, Heiicon Focus focus merged, front to back twice, then stictched in to a pano.  Although with the 45 TSE-E rotataed because the shift was in use to keep the camera level.  Need to use the macro slide to get the entrance pupil correctly positioned.  Practice, practice — tuning up for the North Dakota workshop.  Quite large if printed at 300ppi ~ 39" x 12".  5D Mark II, 45mm TS-E f/2.8, ISO 100, f/5.6, +1 EV, 1/100 on the Gitzo.

So here is the redo with the macro slide and the no-paralax (aka, entrance pupil, nodal point) set correctly. Gitzo lowered to eliminate the need to shift with the 45mm TS-E but the composition could have dealt with the rail better.



Tree House

I guess the design build guys are the preferred route when it comes to roof tops in Baltimore.  Sure looks like the architects are being shunned. Tree houses for grown-ups with vernacular tree house design. Hah!

South Patterson Park Avenue, fronting the west side of the park, late on a winter afternoon.  Taken to enhance the grain, ISO 6400, 1/6400, f/9.0. Had plenty of aperture available with the 85 f/1.2L mounted on the 5D Mk II.  Aspect ratio (5x12 cropped along the short side) and platinum toning as profs to new role model Tillman Crane.

Tree House

Gray on gray

Gray day with some black and white conversions to match. Three handheld bracketed images each.  Blended in Photomatix, conversion in Silver Efex Pro 2.  5D Mk II, 85 f/1.2 L at f/9.0, ISO 1600 to get some noise, middle exposures ~ 1/1000. From Veranda #4 as usual.



34161 - Vinalhaven

Printed 34161 from the September Peter Ralston workshop in Maine, along with a bunch of others to hang around the aerie.  Did 34161 two different ways, liked them both.  Interesting the difference in mood. Snaped from a lobster boat just before 8:00AM on a foggy Spetember 13th morning in Carver's Harbor on Vinalhaven.  5D Mk II, ISO 100, 310mm (100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS), f/5.6 at 1/800.  Printed 12x18 on the Epson 4900 with the Imageprint RIP on Epson Exhibition Fiber. Post processing principly in Alien Skin Exposure 2 and Nik Color Efex 4.  Framed 18x24, matted with Rising Museum Board cut on the Easterly SpeedMat. Stunning!



well maybe.  A clouple of days with heavy rain and dense clouds.  The sun broke through for a while around lunch time. Time enough for a quick couple of snaps with the X100 — prepping for the second annual Black Friday excursion to Manhattan.  Still hoping to be able to pull that off dispite some achilles tendonitis.

The tall building in the middle of shot is Silo Point, a rehabbed B&O grain elevator that is now apartments and as of yesterday the other end of my 5GHz uWave internet access link.  Was pointed at downtown but they needed to upgrade the antenna and along with it came a different route.

X100 then smashed to smithereens with a a half dozen plus of Flypaper's Textures.

Edgar checks out the harbor

So the Supik's invited me to a fund raiser for the Poe House at the Creative Alliance last night.  It was run in conjuction with the folks who brew Raven Special Lager.  Mark Supik & Co. make the Raven tap handles and one was on offer via auction.  Turns out in addition to having a great time, Edgar came home with me. This morning I decided to give him a look around from Veranda number four.  

Three shot HDR sandwich, Canon 5D Mark II, 45 2.8L TS-E, ISO 100, f/8.0, bracketed around 1/250, on the Gitzo. FWIW, beer tap handles are the same size and thread as camera tripod mount (who would have guessed) so Edgar is checking out the Baltimore scene from the top of a light stand.

Snap expected to appear shortly on the brewers web site,


Vinalhaven sunrise

Working through new George DeWolfe book (on paper actually) B&W Printing.  Interesting also bought another of his books as an eBook, the eBook was twice the price of the paper one, delivered.  Not much linkage between cost and price here.

Anyway, lots of new finishing techniques in this for me, especially the use of the history brush for sharpening and dodge and burn.  Could be something here.

Vinalhaven boathouse sunrise